Data: 21-23 octombrie
Locaţia: Centrul Anahata al Asociaţiei Alethea (Str. Fabrica de Chibrituri nr. 16)
Seminar content:
* PRANAMUKHTASANA: Series of 18 movements putting the energies in
activities within the whole energetical body
* PRANA KRIYA SADHANA: Series of 8 dynamic breathings for the awakening
of the kundalini shakti
* SVARA DHARANA: Pinpointing the willpower on the subtle tiny energies
through respiration The 3 breath subtle energies (tamas, rajas, sattva)
directed to the brain
* MANTRA SADHANA: sound vibration
* DHYANASAN: meditation within the body matter Developping long deep
meditative state in postures (asana)
* Introducing in NIDRA YOGA
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